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Kgen provides multi-language tools for calculating stoichiometric equilibirium constants (Ks) for seawater at given temperature, salinity, pressure, [Mg] and [Ca].

Find out about Kgen

Use Kgen

Kgen is available for use in Matlab, Python and R.

Kgen in Matlab Kgen in Python Kgen in R


Kgen is open-source and distributed under an MIT license. You can find the source code on GitHub.


We welcome contributions to Kgen. Please communicate your intentions by first submitting an issue on the Kgen GitHub repo, so we can discuss how best to integrate your contributions.

Kgen was built by Oscar Branson, Dennis Mayk, and Ross Whiteford.

Thank you all who have contributed to Kgen!

  • oscarbranson
  • rossidae
  • dm807cam